The home is experiencing complex changes these days. In light of current global changes in the context of living and working, we are observing an increasing importance of the home as a social and professional retreat. Due to increasing scarcity of living space, home offices or technical innovations in the sense of modern digital devices the demand for multifunctionality and versatile use of home furniture is growing and requires modern „hybrid“ solutions.
The sofa is emblematic for a change from the classic workplace to mobile working, fostered by the use of mobile digital devices. It forms the transition between sitting and lying down and becomes a hybrid between relaxing and working.
The „Shift Sofa“ defines a modern type of sofa furniture, that enables a versatile use of it‘s back cushions to fit different needs and situations in the home. It consists of just a few separable parts which makes it flat packable and enables to properly replace or recycle all of its components.